Accel Prevention Wipes - 6" x 7" (Canister of 160 Wipes)
Accel provides comfort and confidence that commonly touched surfaces and non-critical instruments are rendered safe to use. Accel products are powered by the Accelerated Hydrogen Peroxide® (AHP®) Technology. AHP is a patented hydrogen peroxide based disinfectant technology that has been validated by over 15 studies published in reputable journals around the world.
- Kill a variety of pathogens including difficult to kill viruses such as Norovirus, Parvovirus, Poliovirus
- Have short contact times against bacteria, viruses, fungi and TB (1 minute, 3 minutes and 5 minutes)
- Have superior cleaning abilities, providing users with confidence that disinfection will occur
- Are environmentally sustainable (hydrogen peroxide breaks down into water and oxygen) and are EcoLogo certified!
Surgo Surgical Supply
ACCEL Disinfectant