When you are a logged-in user, Quick Lists are a fantastic way to enhance your shopping experience on Surgo.com.
Watch the video below to get great step-by-step instructions on how to utilize quick lists.
How to Navigate to Quick Lists
- From Homepage:
- Log in to your account: www.surgo.com/myaccount
- Navigate to the upper right-hand corner and locate the Quick Lists link next to the shopping cart.
- Click on Quick Lists.
- Here you can view your current Quicklists or create a new Quicklist by clicking on + New List.
- From Dashboard Menu
- Log in to your account: www.surgo.com/myaccount
- Navigate to the right-hand side of the page, click on the Dashboard Tab. This will open the Dashboard menu.
- Click on Quick Lists.
- This will take you to the Quick Lists page.
How to View Your Quick Lists
- Log in to your account: www.surgo.com/myaccount
- Navigate to the right-hand side of the page and click on the Dashboard Tab. This will open the Dashboard menu.
- Click on Quick Lists.
- This will take you to the Quick Lists page.
- You can view and search for your Quick Lists here.
How to Create a New Quick List
- Log in to your account: www.surgo.com/myaccount
- Navigate to the right-hand side of the page, click on the Dashboard Tab. This will open the Dashboard menu.
- Click on Quick Lists.
- This will take you to the Quick Lists page.
- Select +New Quick List.
- Name the quick list.
- From the dropdown menu, select whether the quick list is Personal (for you) or Company (for your team).
- Navigate to and select a product you would like to add to a quick list.
- On the right-hand side of the product page, click + Add to Quick List.
- Select from the dropdown menu which quick list you would like to add the product to.
- Click Save to Quick List.
How to Order from a Quick List
- Log in to your account: www.surgo.com/myaccount
- Navigate to the right-hand side of the page, click on the Dashboard Tab. This will open the Dashboard menu.
- Click on Quick Lists. This will take you to the Quick Lists page.
- Select the Quick List you would like to order from.
- This will take you into the itemized Quick List.
- Select Add to Cart in the upper right-hand corner.
- All the items will be loaded into the shopping cart automatically.
- Click Proceed to Check Out to place your order.
Apr 12, 2022