Welch Allyn CardioPerfect ABPM Software #ABP-SW for ABPM-6100 Ambulatory Blood Pressure Recorder
The software system allows you to access your patient data with the Welch Allyn CardioPerfect Workstation software. It manages data from the ABPM 6100S and other Welch Allyn cardiopulmonary devices in the same way, allowing you to store all of your patient information in the same record, with paperless efficiency and connectivity. This permits you to retrieve and analyze information quickly, allowing you and your staff to interact more efficiently with your patients. Then, if you’re ready for an Electronic Medical Record (EMR), patient information and testing data can be easily transferred to many leading EMRs through a simple electronic interface.
- On-screen easy review and editing of diagnostic tests with predefined statements
- Database stores thousands of test records (storage space of up to 2 GB)
- Access information from exam rooms or your office through a network
- Export or telemedicine options for e-mail consults
- Integration with many other patient information systems (e.g., billing, medical record)
Welch Allyn
Welch Allyn Ambulatory BP Products